Inky Moth

Welcome to my card page! On here you will find info about me and info for my commissions.

Commission Info

You want me to draw something for you? Here's what you need to know, you can find the type of art I commission here.

Line art

Character by @Zinnia_64
Character by @ChuchuVivi_

Lineless(-ish) art

Headshot example
Bust shots
Multi-character bust shots
Fullbody shot
Fullbody shot


HEADSHOT (1:1 RATIO): 10.00€
BUST: 20.00€ (+10.00€ for each additional character)
FULLBODY: 30.00€ (+20.00€ for each additional character)*

Lineless(-ish) art

HEADSHOT (1:1 RATIO): 15.00€
BUST: 25.00€ (+15.00€ for each additional character)
FULLBODY: 40.00€ (+25.00€ for each additional character)*

After confirming your commission, you will be shown the sketch and line-art before I begin to colour, you can also request edits before I start colouring and ask for progress whenever you want. (though, please don't ask too often ^^)

*prices may change later on (don't worry, I will not change the price of an ongoing commission)

Here are the conditions for my art, please read them before commissioning me.

Will do:

-Humanoids (though I don’t have as much experience with them, can’t guarantee the quality ^^’)

Will not do:

-NSFW (including gore)
-Mech or anything too complicated
I may also refuse for other reasons that tend to follow simple decency

Payment method

I'd preferably like to get payed via Ko-fi but if convenient, I can send a PayPal voicemail and sometimes accept Steam gift cards.
You can choose to pay me after I finish the commission but I will keep the drawing slightly blurred and watermarked (to avoid pre-payment use) until payed.

Credit and uses

You can use the art you commissioned off of me however you want but you may not claim it as your own work.
I can use said art as examples for my commissions if I choose to.